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COVID-19 Update

Idaho Criminal Defense Attorney COVID-19 Update

All of us at Atkinson Law Offices understand the growing concerns for our clients and the local community around Coronavirus (COVID-19). We want to address your concerns and assure you that we are taking every precaution to keep our staff, clients, and community partners safe during these unprecedented times.

Atkinson Law Offices is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation and strictly adhering to the recommendations from the CDC, the Idaho Supreme Court, as well as local and state public authorities.

What we are doing here at our offices:

What the county and state courts are doing: UPDATED NOV 30th, 2020

For more information about the order from the Idaho Supreme Court, download the PDF, or…


What you can do to protect yourself and your family:

FAQs from the CDC

At Atkinson Law Offices, there are no suspected cases of COVID-19 among our staff members, and we have had no reported cases from any of the clients we serve. We look forward to continuing to assist and defend you for all your criminal and family law needs.

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